
We must face corruption head on – President Kenyatta


President Uhuru Kenyatta today talked strongly against corruption saying the vice has the potential to both undermine his Big Four agenda and completely destroy the country.

He said time was up for those engaging in the vice and warned they will face justice.

The President spoke at the 8th Presidential Round Table Forum today at State House, which brought together both government and partners from the private alliance under the umbrella of KEPSA (Kenya Private Sector Alliance)

“ We must address the real elephant in the room. We must say enough is enough for the country to move forward”, said President Kenyatta while making his remarks at the forum.

He called for a multi-sectoral approach to deal with corruption incorporating the private and public sectors as well as the judiciary and the legislature.

“ Time for politicking is behind us. We must clean and move the country forward,” he said.

He added: “I have had an opportunity to work with wonderful and dedicated men and women full of integrity. But some are not prepared to change.”

He said it was time for Kenyans to be blunt and honest with one another especially when things go wrong.

“ We are all to blame. But we must now say enough is enough and move forward”, said the President.

He also appointed Deputy Head of Public Service Wanyama Musiambu to lead efforts towards the eradication of corruption and illicit trade, counterfeits, fake business stickers, dumping and entry of fake goods through all ports of entry mainly through the port of Mombasa.

Currently illicit trade results to loss of KSH 200 billion revenue annually.

The President said the amount lost can finance some projects under the Big Four.

Additionally, the President said the private sector and the government need to join hands to come up with practical solutions geared at increasing the country’s manufacturing base so as to create jobs for the youth.

During the meeting, the President was briefed on what measures have been taken by the private sector under the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) to create opportunities for economic growth.

The meeting extensively discussed concerted efforts by both government and the private sector in achieving the key milestones and targets of the Big Four pillars of manufacturing, food security, affordable housing and universal healthcare.

On their part, KEPSA committed to compliment governments efforts in achieving Big 4 and supporting economic growth efforts.

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