
Sama AI forecasts 55% of Kenyan jobs will be digital by 2030

With over $500 million in revenues annually, Kenya is emerging as one of the key players in the Global Business Services (GBS) market destinations.

These revelations by data firm Sama AI CEO Wendy Gonzalez are backed by a projection that an estimated $254 million in revenues will come from business process outsourcing (BPO) this year.

Over the years, East Africa’s largest economy has emerged as an attractive investment destination in the highly competitive GBS market which encompasses BPO as a sub-market. Currently, Gonzalez added that the BPO segment has evolved to include AI supply chain providers such as Sama.

Speaking at the University of Nairobi during a public lecture on Generative AI, Gonzalez noted that the GBS market hit $1 trillion in revenues last year, with other destinations in the continent such as South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco also playing in the maturing league.

With its $500 million GBS revenues, Kenya is leading among emerging GBS destinations that also include Senegal, Nigeria, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Ghana.

According to Gonzalez, at current growth rates, Kenya will emerge as the leading provider of digital work opportunities with a positive local economic ripple effect.

“Studies have shown that digital work increases formal employment opportunities and is the fastest-growing sector. Kenya has made very good headway amidst stiff competition and must avoid complacency by guarding its market positioning and providing an enabling environment to further deepen the GBS market opportunity,” said Gonzalez.

She added, “Kenya is a preferred destination due to the quality of human capital that is versatile enough to serve various market segments, including Generative AI, thanks to digital training and academic progress. Several countries are, however, fighting hard to edge Kenya out of its growth track, which necessitates close attention to secure market positioning.”

While commenting on the skills required to secure our national market positioning, Gonzalez noted that by 2030, an estimated 50-55 percent of jobs in Kenya will require digital skills.

“Yet there are significant gaps in basic and advanced digital skills—particularly in rural areas and among women,” she said. To help bridge this skills gap, Sama is collaborating with the University of Nairobi to advance AI skills in one of the first partnerships of this kind in the country.

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Other speakers during the public lecture were Eng. John Tanui, the State Department for ICT and the Digital Economy Principal Secretary, and the University of Nairobi Acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Margaret Hutchinson.

PS Tanui stressed that AI is no longer science fiction, saying: “We are living in an era where AI is not just a possibility—it is our present reality, and the sooner we fully embrace it, the better prepared we will be for the future.”

He explained that Generative AI alone could add between $2.6 and $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy. To tap some of this growth into Kenya’s economy, the government is establishing policies and frameworks that foster innovation and invest in research and development while protecting the rights and interests of all citizens, following the principles of ethical AI development and usage.

“With 65 percent of organizations already integrating Generative AI into operations, its impact is undeniable, from enhancing customer service to revolutionizing industries. As we embrace this digital future, partnerships and education in STEM are key to preparing our workforce for the opportunities ahead,” he added.

“It is our collective responsibility to develop ethical guidelines that govern AI use in a manner that upholds human dignity and values. As a government, we will establish policies and a regulatory framework that fosters innovation while protecting the rights and interests of all citizens. We will continue to invest in research and development and champion the ethical use of AI.”

Prof. Margaret Hutchinson underscored the institution’s pivotal role in equipping students with the skills to navigate the digital economy, stating: “The University of Nairobi is committed to bridging the gap between academia and industry, ensuring that our graduates are not only job-ready but also future-ready.”

Sama and the University of Nairobi’s partnership is poised to advance Generative AI capabilities in Kenya and in Africa as a whole. This collaboration will provide part-time employment opportunities for UoN faculty and students, equipping them with practical experience in GenAI.

This initiative aligns with the broader goal of bridging the digital divide and positioning Kenya as a global AI value chain leader.

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