
Aga Khan hospital unveils region’s most advanced prostate cancer scan

The Aga Khan University Hospital – Nairobi has commissioned the Prostate Cancer PET-CT scan, the most advanced scan for patients with prostate cancer, and a first of its kind in sub-Saharan Africa. 

PET-CT scan is able to identify sites of early prostate cancer spread before they are picked up by conventional imaging models such as MRI and bone scan.

These allows for better treatment options of the disease at a very early stage.

The PET-CT scan technology can be employed during initial diagnosis of prostrate cancer, during follow-up sessions and even when disease recurrence is suspected.

Its higher sensitivity allows for identification of sites of prostate cancer spread, in the bones or in any other organ such as lymph nodes, liver and lungs at the same time enabling physicians to study the body in extraordinary detail. 

The PET-CT scan technology is the preserve of very few medical institutions around the world.

With its hands on these advanced Prostate Scan technology plus the experts to operate it, Aga khan hospital is now able to produce the radioactive substance required for this scan as well as conduct the test itself.

The capacity conduct this tests now adds to Aga Khan’s expertise in PET CT Scan and Cyclotron, a technology that it acquired in 2018 at a cost of KES 600 million.

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