
Swahili blockchain to digitize tracing of Kenya avocado

Belize-based agritech company Dimitra has added Swahili in its list of 18 language block chain platform as it seeks to tap Kenyan avocado farmers into its data driven tracing model that would give farmers an edge in Western markets.

Dimitra is collaborating with One Million Avocados (OMA), a startup organization in Kenya, focused on increasing the production and quality of East African avocados using trace technology.

Kenya has been on constant threat of losing market access or getting restrictions due to famers not complying with the set standards on pest control and harvesting.

As part of the new partnership, OMA will be utilizing Dimitra’s revolutionary tech stack to enhance its offering to farmers across East Africa.

Through Dimitra’s tailored Connected Farmer platform, farmers will now have greater access to solutions to further promote sustainable farming practices, primarily in pest and disease prevention and data reporting.

Read also: Kakuzi to resume avocado exports in May

Regulatory frameworks

This will help farmers overcome traceability issues to ensure maximum value of produce and to align with international regulatory frameworks.

Brenda Kerubo, a Kenya journalist who immigrated to Europe faulted Kenyan avocado farmers over immature harvesting after she chose avocados from home only to find it took up to a week or two to ripen, and then they ripen in patches. It starts with the top and then after three days, it spreads out. By the time it is “fully ripe” the top part is already rotten.

She pointed out that avocados from Spain, Colombia, and Peru have very few to no defects and that Kenya needs to do the right thing to compete internationally.

Kenya’s Ambassador to Belgium Prof Bitange Ndemo recently said Kenya will need to adopt blockchain to meet these international standards requiring transparent and traceable supply chains.

Mr Ndemo said block chain will end exploitation of farmers, that has currently led to inadequate compensation and a lack of motivation to improve productivity. It will also help deal with the lack of robust traceability, making it difficult to identify the origin of products.

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