
Kenya’s positivity rate dips to 3.6 per cent as 12 die of Covid

Kenya’s Coronavirus positivity rate is at 3.6 per cent after 66 people tested positive for the virus from a sample size of 1,833 in the last 24-hour period.

This records the lowest percentage since the country started experiencing the heat of the third wave of the virus in March.

The country’s infection caseload now stands at 163,620 and the total number of samples tested so far at 1,721,122.

According to the Ministry of Health, the new infections numbers constitute 45 males and 21 females ranging from ages of six months to 81 years.

Twelve people have succumbed to the virus in the last 24 hours. One death occurred within the last month while the rest are late death reports discovered after a facility record audits.  This brings the total number of fatalities to 2,907.

Read also: TSC — 24 secondary school principals succumb to Covid

At the same time, 1,737 patients have recovered from the disease; 1,580 from home based and isolation care and 157 from various health facilities across the country.

The total number of recoveries is now 112,298.

A total of 1,122 patients are currently admitted to various health facilities across the country, with 4,783 on home based isolation and care. The Intensive Care Units across the country have 134 Covid patients.

Nairobi is still leading as the most infected county having recorded a high of 32 cases in the last 24 hours. It is followed by, Kisii, Meru, Uasin Gishu, and Nakuru with 11, 5, 4, and 3 respectively. Elegyo Marakwet, Homa Bay, Kakamega, Kericho, Kiambu, Laikipia, Mombasa, Nandi, Nyandarua, Trans Nzoia, and Turkana recorded a case each.

On vaccination, over 917,000 persons have so far been vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus countrywide.

The leading counties in terms of inoculation are; Nairobi with 277,321 people, Nakuru 63,191, Kiambu 45,599, Uasin Gishu 42,415, and Nyeri with 34,759 Persons vaccinated.

ounties with the least vaccination rate are Wajir with 2,101, Isiolo, 1,636, Tana River, 842, Lamu 728, and Marsabit with 668.

Meanwhile, WHO Foundation has launched a “Together for India” which the WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said is an appeal to help raise funds to purchase oxygen, medicines, and protective equipment for health workers in India.

WHO has classified the variant from India as being of global concern. India has so far recorded over 22.7 million positive cases with over 246,000 deaths of the Covid-19 virus.

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