
Daily Nation apologises for an obituary depicting the image of a prominent opposition personality Jimmi Wanjigi.

The Nation Media Group (NMG) woke up to a major embarrassment after it published the picture of opposition financier Jimi Wanjigi also known as James Bond.

In a statement, Daily Nation indicated that it was sorry that a photo of Mr. Wanjigi was used on the death announcement curiously bearing the name of James Richard Wanjagi.

“We have taken action against those responsible for the placement including reporting the matter to the police for further investigations,” the Daily Nation said.

The release, however, did not explain why the advertisement did not just use Mr. Wanjigi’s photo but named family, business, and circumstances that are associated with the businessman.

It claims that he died in a failed robbery attempt at his Karen home. Some time ago, there was such an attempt at the home of James Maina Wanjigi’s Karen home. Nobody died. James Maina Wanjigi is Jimmy Wanjigi’s father.

Wanjagi’s wife is named as Irene. Irene is also Jimmy Wanjigi’s wife and their children school Le Rosey Switzerland, which is also mentioned in the curious advert. The advert talks about the employees of Kwacha Industries being given special thanks. The Wanjigi flagship family concern is called Kwacha Group of Companies.


The biggest media house has had a history with Mr. Wanjigi claiming last year that Nation journalists who wrote an exposé about Mr. Wanjigi have received threats from the tender baron’s Twitter handle.

The account, @JimmyWanjigi, is unverified but has the businessman’s picture.


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