Motherhood by all means, the technology of babies

Motherhood by all means, the technology of babies
When you were younger, do you remember asking one of your parents where they got you from? My mother wittingly told us that she had bought us from a supermarket where kids are sold.
However, as I grew older, I realised this was a common ruse parents used to avoid in oversharing details little children were not supposed to be aware of. That, for a child to be borne, there had to be fertilisation through sex.
In school, I learned what you will probably have forgotten that fertilisation occurred when a female sex gamete fused with the male sex gamete. In time, a baby would start to form in the mothers’ womb and eventually after nine months, they are born.
With the revolution in technology however, couples who are unable to conceive a child in this conventional manner need not loose hope.
There are a number of assisted reproduction technology procedures and treatments such couples have access to.
IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilisation. The procedure involves fertilising the female egg with the male sperm in a laboratory under controlled environment.
Then, after three to five days, the embryo is placed inside the woman’s womb to continue developing naturally.
Janet, now a mum through IVF, is one example of those who have had success using this method. When she got married at 23, about two years down the line, she, and her then husband tried to get a baby but could not.
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Her father-in-law claimed that in their side of the family, they do not have such problems. So, her husband eventually bowed to the pressure and left her for another woman whom he went ahead to have a child with.
However, she still had the desire to have a child and that is when her friend suggested she tries IVF. When she did, she decide to get an anonymous donor. Now that her dream of becoming a mother has come to pass, she feels complete.
This is a procedure that involves a couple choosing a suitable person, mostly a woman, to carry their baby for them.
There are two forms of surrogacy: traditional which involves using the egg of the surrogate mother for conception while gestational surrogacy is performed by transferring embryos made through the IVF procedure to the surrogate.
Through the years we have seen or heard of some famous celebrities get their children through this method. In Kenya, it is slowly gaining traction. In one interview, a woman named Winnie shares her experience of being a surrogate now twice. She says that she views this an opportunity to help another woman at the same time while helping herself financially.
This method falls under a type of artificial insemination. IUI stands for, Intrauterine Insemination. In this procedure, sperms are placed directly inside the uterus to help the sperm get closer to the egg.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection involves directly injecting the sperm into a mature egg. This procedure is usually conducted should the standard IVF fail.
In today's world, I think it is quite a remarkable feat in the world of reproduction to have these many options within reach for those who are struggling to have a child. Through this, many couples now have the privilege of having one of their own if they do please. And as technology makes even more incredible advancements like AI, I sure do hope we'll see new assisted reproduction technology procedures and improved treatments.