Italy’s Macfrut to help scale up Kenya’s horticultural sector

The Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with MACFRUT. The agreement signed by the President of MACFRUT Renzo Piraccini and AFA Director-General, Dr. Bruno Linyiru, aims at fostering trade between Kenya and Italy.
The Ministry of Agriculture has entered into an agreement with Italian fruits and vegetable exhibition organisation, Macfrut, to enhance cooperation on horticultural between Kenyan and Italian companies.
In an update from both parties, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will focuse on the development of fruit and vegetable industries in both Kenya and the European market.
Other key areas of focus will be the transfer and exchange of new technologies, organic farming, bio solutions, irrigation systems and fruit processing techniques.
As part of the agreement, Macfrut is expected to facilitate organizing an annual exhibition in Kenya to promote local fruits and vegetables, and help Kenyan agricultural products gain international exposure in Italy and across Europe.
In return, Kenya’s Agriculture and Food Authority (AFA) will be tasked with mobilising key industry stakeholders to participate in the Macfrut fair.
“We have received with gratitude your (Macfrut) offers and we promise on our end to produce the best fruits and vegetables that are up to international standards,” said AFA chairman Cornelly Serem.
A joint implementation committee (JIC) comprising six members will be formed to manage the MoU that establishes a framework for collaboration, including drafting annual action plans and submitting reports on agreed activities.
“Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy and the deal with Macfrut is so timely as it offers Kenya’s rising youth population with employment avenues that spring out to the international market in Europe,” Italy’s ambassador to Kenya Roberto Natali said.
Several players in the country’s value chain including cold chain managers, fruit and vegetable farms, nuts and oil crop farms and agro-processing sectors are set to benefit a lot as the agreement seeks to improve market access and trade for fruits, vegetables, nuts, oil crops and related products.
Additionally, the parties will also carry out technical and commercial cooperation initiatives aimed at developing the agricultural sector, particularly in the fruits, vegetables, cut flowers and oil crops sectors, in line with the unique characteristics and needs of each stakeholder.