

WWF-Kenya, IFAW and TNC join forces to enhance conservation


Saudi Arabia grants Kenya Sh2.5Bn for clean cooking project

Environment CS Aden Duale meets Middle East Green Initiative (MGI) representatives in Nairobi.

Safaricom’s value to Kenya jumps 8% to Sh983Bn

Safaricom CEO Peter Ndegwa2

Ampersand Kenya plant boosts e-bike assembly to 60 units per day


EABL adopts rigorous standards to fortify sustainability reporting

EABL - 24 sustainability

Kenya rises to second spot in global carbon market index


Duale tightens noose on 145 firms polluting Nairobi River

Nairobi River5

Absa sets the pace on new sustainability reporting standards for NSE firms

Absa CEO Abdi Mohamed

Safaricom locks in second Sh15Bn loan to drive green growth

Safaricom FY22 results

UN, IGAD unite to boost regional climate resilience

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