DTB aligns with UN for responsible banking future

DTB aligns with UN for responsible banking future
Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) has signed onto a framework that aligns its operations with the UN Principles for Responsible Banking – an initiative aimed at fostering sustainable business.
Launched on September 22, 2019, these UN principles were developed through an alliance between lenders worldwide and the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative to align the industry with UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
Through these principles, DTB has committed itself to ensure that its strategy and practice align with the world's vision of sustainability and measures to counter climate change.
DTB’s Group franchises in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda have all signed their commitment to the principles as part of the bank's broader Sustainability Master Plan.
“This commitment reflects our purpose to improve the quality of lives of all our stakeholders in a sustainable and impactful way and underscores our dedication to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our business," noted DTB Group CEO Nasim Devji.
"We are proud to be part of this global initiative and look forward to making meaningful progress towards a sustainable future,” she added.
Through these principles, DTB has committed itself to ensure that its strategy and practice align with the world's vision of sustainability and measures to counter climate change.
Read also: Sowing the seeds of sustainability with green financing
Under these Principles, DTB aims to identify and measure the environmental and social impact resulting from their operations, set and implement targets where they have the most significant impact, and regularly report publicly on their progress.
The Principles provide a framework for banks to systematically understand the risks and seize the opportunities arising from the transition to more sustainable economies.
Signatories to the Principles take on a leadership role, demonstrating how banking products, services, and relationships can support and accelerate the changes necessary to achieve shared prosperity for both current and future generations, building a positive future for both people and the planet.
Through this commitment, DTB will be joining the world’s largest global banking community focused on sustainable finance, sharing best practices, and working together on practical guidance and pioneering tools of benefit to the entire industry.