TSC revises maternity leave for teachers to four months

TSC revises maternity leave for teachers to four months
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made changes in regards to maternity and paternity leave days for teachers across the country.
In the new dispensation, female teachers will be entitled to four-month maternity leave, while male teachers will get three weeks providing the tutors with one of the best package in Kenya's civil service.
TSC boss Nancy Macharia has granted female teachers an additional month of maternity leave and male employees an additional week of paternity leave following childbirth.
Ms Macharia added that all teachers, however, will be required to submit their leave requests early enough to allow for the allocation of vacancies in their respective institutions, adding that teachers shall not forfeit their annual leave on account of having taken maternity leave.
"This leave is exclusive of annual leave. The application for leave should be submitted to the DEO/MEO/DCE through the head of the institution at least one month before the leave is due and must have supporting medical documents," read an excerpt from the TSC site.
Initially, men were entitled to only two weeks while their female colleagues were given three months leave.
The revision, Ms Macharia said came as a result of a charter agreement for the years 2021-2025, and the changes are aimed at improving the education sector.
She also stated that teachers are eligible for 45 days of pre-adoptive leave, whereby the tutors would get their full salary from the date of adoption.
“The Code of Regulation for teachers (2015) read together with the CBA (2021-2025), have specific provisions for maternity, paternity, and pre-adoptive leave. In line with the said provisions all teachers are eligible for only one leave at a time,” she stated.