Six out of ten Kenyan youths want fresh ideas on how to get rich

Six out of ten Kenyan youths want fresh ideas on how to get rich
Six out of ten youths in Kenya want the media to provide more content on how to make money. Another 56 percent want content on how to become financially independent. A further 37 percent of the young people aged 18-35 also want the media to provide insights on how to save for a rainy day as well as tips on meeting the needs of their families.
These revelations are contained in a new survey, Media Consumption in an Evolving Digital World: Millennials and Digital Natives’ Consumption Habits and Implications for Legacy Media in East Africa by the Media Innovation Centre of The Aga Khan University.
According to the study, millennials and Gen Zs want interesting, attractive, readily available, precise, and affordable content. Interestingly, they do not value the brevity, exhaustiveness, adequacy, and elaborateness of the content they consume.
Millennials are those people aged between 25 and 35 years while Gen Zs were born between 1997 and 2012. Gen Z was born in a period marked by enhanced social networking through digital platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, and video sharing app Tiktok.
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The youth are, however, struggling economically with just 20 percent saying they had accomplished financial independence. The survey showed only two out of ten had started their careers, and 11 percent were in business.
Most of the youth said that they are motivated to consume news to get updates on current affairs. Twenty-five percent indicated they are motivated to consume news to escape from the limits of societal expectations and stereotypes.
Whereas 52 percent of the millennials and Gen Zs have never paid for content, those who have (48 percent), acknowledge that they paid for or are paying for trending news, sports content, current affairs, political and entertainment content.
The youth, who pay for content said they spend between Kes11 and Kes100 per day. The young people want content they can easily access with reduced friction (pay per article), and where they enjoy flexibility say through shared accounts.
Shared accounts afford them the opportunity to access multiple news and media content (brand bundles) and have payment methods that are easier to make.