Seventh devolution forum to be held next month

Seventh devolution forum to be held next month
It is all systems go for the Council of Governors (CoG) to hold the seventh annual devolution conference between November 23 and 26 in Makueni County.
The conference, which was first scheduled to go on from May 3 to 7 and expected to attract at least 5,000 delegates, including the President and his Deputy, was postponed to between August 23 and 26, following President Uhuru Kenyatta’s directive on public gatherings to help check spread of Covid-19.
However, the August conference did not materialize as the country at the time was gripped by rising Covid-19 infections forcing the organizers to call it off.
CoG chairperson Martin Wambora said the decision to hold the meeting in November was reached after an assessment on the pandemic, which has shown a reduction in COVID-19 infections.
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“The first era of devolution is coming to an end, it is important to take stock of the journey and pave way for the second generation of county governments. It is against this background that the steering committee of the seventh annual devolution conference held a consultative meeting on October 15 and agreed that the conference be held on November, 23 to 26,” he added.
The governors also said they are in the process of coming up with the devolution book, which will document all the gains, challenges and lessons learnt in the past nine years since the new system of governance was introduced.