Over 1200 students shine with A Grades in KCSE 2023

Over 1200 students shine with A Grades in KCSE 2023
A total of 1,216 candidates achieved an overall Grade A in the 2023 KCSE national test, compared to the 1,146 candidates reported in the previous year.
At the same time, the number of candidates who attained the minimum university entry qualification (Grade C+ and above) increased by 16 percent to 201,133, up from 173,345 reported in 2022.
This increase is attributed to the application of a new grading system, noted Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu while releasing the results at Moi Girls Eldoret.
While 48,174 candidates scored Grade E in the national examinations, data shows that 3,685 learners missed the test.
Out of the 899,453 candidates who sat for the 2023 KCSE, 450,554 were male, while 448,899 were female, representing a split of 50.09 percent and 49.91 percent of the total candidature, respectively.
The ministry noted that this indicates the country has achieved gender parity at the secondary education level.
In a departure from previous years when candidates could access their scores via SMS, this year candidates can only view the 2023 KCSE results online at https://results.knec.ac.ke. The ministry stated that candidates will be required to enter their index number and name(s) as per the registration data for the 2023 KCSE exam.
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Improved performance
Out of the 30 subjects offered in the national test, 12 subjects, including Mathematics, Kiswahili, Biology, Biology for the Blind, CRE, Business Studies, German, Music, Chemistry, Building Construction, French, and Electricity, recorded a performance improvement.
"For the first time we are confirming improvement in mathematics... for the first time we're also seeing a decline in History ...and other subjects that are usually done in the afternoon," said CS Machogu.
Simultaneously, the number of candidates aged 16 years and below increased to 16,040 from 12,710 in the previous year.
Additionally, data shows that nine counties had more female than male candidates. These are Vihiga (54.39%: 45.61%), Elgeyo Marakwet (54.22%: 45.78%), Kirinyaga (52.74%: 47.26%), Meru (52.61%: 47.39%), Kiambu (52.59%: 47.41%), Nairobi (51.91%: 48.09%), Kisumu (51.82%: 48.18%), and Kitui (51.82%: 48.18%), which had more female than male candidates.
Conversely, 11 counties had a significant entry of more male than female candidates. These include Garissa (66.39%: 33.61%), Mandera (65.44%: 34.56%), Wajir (61.69%: 38.31%), Turkana (61.00%: 39.00%), Samburu (56.58%: 43.42%), and Narok (54.19%).
CS Machogu added that the ministry will be releasing KPSEA reports for candidates who sat the Grade 6 assessment last year in the next two weeks.
"I urge all parents and teachers to scrutinize the KPSEA reports to ensure they use the results to monitor learner progress."