Importers directed to secure marine insurance locally starting Feb 2025

The digital marine cargo insurance certificate, processed via the IRA platform, will be electronically linked to the KRA’s Integrated Customs Management Systems (ICMS) for customs clearance, even as it ensures all insurance service is locally sourced.
Starting next month, all importers in Kenya must secure digital marine cargo insurance exclusively from local insurers, marking a significant shift in trade regulations.
This joint directive by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) mandates importers to insure their goods against transit risks, integrating insurance and customs processes for enhanced compliance.
The digital marine cargo insurance certificate, processed via the IRA platform, will be electronically linked to the KRA’s Integrated Customs Management Systems (ICMS) for customs clearance, even as it ensures all insurance service is locally sourced.
“To ensure full compliance, the public is hereby notified that effective February 14, 2025, all importers shall be required to digitally procure Marine Cargo Insurance cover for their imports from locally licensed insurance companies,” read part of the notice.
To procure a digital marine cargo insurance cover, each importer must have an active Import Declaration Form (IDF), which contains all details on the imported cargo and will be used to update the digital marine certificate.
"The confirmation and approval of the Digital Marine Cargo Insurance Certificate will facilitate clearance of cargo in the ICMS," adds the joint statement.
The importer will complete the required fields for the certificate, pay the respective premiums and submit the certificate to the IRA electronic platform.
Thereafter, the IRA platform, which is integrated into KRA-ICMS, will submit the digital Marine Cargo Insurance Certificate to KRA platform whereby the importer will be notified to download the document.
The IRA also cautioned that Kenyans who fail to comply with the demand would not receive a customs clearance certificate from the KRA.