Fight against fistula gets Sh130 million shot in the arm

Fight against fistula gets Sh130 million shot in the arm


Fight against fistula gets Sh130 million shot in the arm

First Lady Margaret Kenyatta’s Beyond Zero initiative has received a Kes 130 million funding from the Slovak Republic that will be channeled to the campaign against fistula.

The grant, which is part of the ongoing support by the Slovak Government to Kenya’s health sector was channeled to Beyond Zero through the Slovak Aid.

Slovak Ambassador František Dlhopolček said: “This is the first Beyond Zero project that will be financed by the Slovak Aid.

But I think this is the beginning because in our policy, Kenya belongs to the priority countries for Slovak development cooperation."

Beyond Zero coordinator Angella Langat said the financial support will go a long way towards treating women suffering from fistula.

Read also: Sh14.3 billion set aside for COVID-19 vaccination

“We will allocate the funds to a fistula camp that will be done in the north where the burden of fistula is high because of inadequate access to health facilities and poverty,” Ms Langat said.

Previously, the Slovak Government donated Kes 26 million worth of Covid-19 response supplies that included testing kits, personal protective equipment, respirators, sanitizer, clothing and shoes to the Office of the First Lady.

Last month, First Lady Margaret Kenyatta called for sustained efforts to end fistula, saying any woman suffering from the condition should be treated promptly.

“I remain committed to supporting the aspirations of the global campaign to end fistula. I will continue to lend my voice and support for increased investment to restore the dignity of women and girls,” the First Lady said, adding that “collectively, we can create awareness, lobby for and put in place supportive measures to strengthen the capacity of our health systems to offer more treatment and surgical repairs as well as training of more doctors.”

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