15 arrested protesting against Finance Bill 2023

15 arrested protesting against Finance Bill 2023
Activists protesting the Finance Bill 2023 gathered at Jevanjee Gardens in Nairobi where the police fired tear gas to disperse the protesters. Fifteen of the rioters were arrested by the police during the demonstrations at the Nairobi CBD.
The anti-riot police blocked access to KICC to keep out the protesters. The angry protesters evaded the police barricade to access the CBD by vandalising the road barricades. The streets were deserted and businesses closed due to the riots.
The chant “down, down Finance Bill” could be heard from the protestors while marching to parliament to express their grievances. According to the activists, the Bill contravenes the rights of the people and they shall not relent on their push to have it revised.
The Finance Bill 2023 moves to its Second Reading stage of the law-making process. Kenyans want to see whether some of the contentious proposals will be amended before the bill is passed into law by the Parliament. The Bill has been greatly contested by the members of the public since its First Reading. The government should therefore find a proper way to deal with the public so that they feel heard.