Author: Liz Confidential


How productive are your company’s meetings?

Ten minutes to 10 AM and Derrick was seated at his desk working to build the nation. I try to call him twenty minutes from the time I saw him, but he auto replies with the ‘in a meeting’ text. When I saw him during lunch he explained that he was dragged into an impromptu meeting that to be honest, he had no input/ business being there. To make matters worse, what was supposed to be a 10 minutes meeting extended to an hour. We all have that colleague who will drag you into meetings that you had no reason being in.

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3 reasons why you should keep a diary

Every year most corporates give their employees a diary and notebook to use in their day to day activities. Most often than not, you find that the employees will give the diaries to their relatives as a souvenir. Three months down the year, the same employee is either late for a meeting or forgot an important task. So the question at hand is, how and why use a diary?

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